Realistic Snowy Owl Sock


With true wisdom and pure joy, show off your show stopping Realistic Snowy White Owl Socks. His eyes see all with these True Fit Stretch Recovery Socks that are Made with pride in the USA.

        -Wash after Wash, these socks are made to last.

        -Adult Size Medium 9-11 (fits ladies shoe size 6-10 or men’s 5-10).

        -Made of Acrylic Yarn, Spandex & Polyester for true comfort.

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SKU: 340207 Categories: , ,


This owl looks realistic on this nice and comfortable sock!
Adult Size Medium- Fits Men’s size 5-10 and Women’s size 6-11
Made with thick acrylic yarn and stretchable nylon
Designed to keep feet dry
Reforms to original shape after washing
Made in the USA!

Additional information

Weight .15 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 3.5 × 1 in